Journal Articles


Kurt, E., Golestani, Y.M., Barmpoutsis, E., Picella, S., Selinger, R.L.B., Overvelde, J.T.B.*, Liu, D.*, Regulating airflow using hybrid LCN for soft pneumatic robots.

Ducarme, P., Weber, B., Van Hecke, M.*, Overvelde, J.T.B.*, Exotic mechanical properties enabled by counter-snapping instabilities.

Comoretto, A., Schomaker, M., Overvelde, J.T.B., Physical synchronization of soft self-oscillating limbs for fast and autonomous locomotion.

Picella, S., Van Riet, C.M., Overvelde, J.T.B., Pneumatic coding blocks enable programmability of electronics-free fluidic soft robots.

Arfaee, M.,* Vis, A.,*, Bartels, P.A.A., Van Laake, L.C., Lorenzon, L, Ibrahim, D., Zrinscak, D., Smiths, A.I.P.M, Henseler, A., Cianchetti, M., Dankers, P.Y., Bouten, C.V.C. Overvelde, J.T.B., Kluin, J., A soft robotic total artificial Hybrid Heart.

Zrinscak, D., Lorenzon, L., De Chirico, C.M., Coluccia, F., De Luca, M., Maselli, M., Overvelde, J.T.B., Cianchetti, M., Design of a Soft Robotic Artificial Cardiac Matrix.


(36) Van Laake, L.C., Overvelde, J.T.B., (2024) bio-inspired autonomy in soft robots. Communications Materials [web]

(35)  Mogas-Soldevila, L., Duro-Royo, J., Lizardo, D., Hollyer, G.G., Settens, C.M., Cox, J.M., Overvelde, J.T.B., DiMasi, E., Bertoldi, K., Weaver, J.C., Oxman, N., (2024) Driving macro-scale transformations in three-dimensional-printed biopolymers through controlled induction of molecular anisotropy at the nanoscale. Interface Focus [web]

(34) Schomaker, M., Picella, S., Kung Garcia, A., Van Laake, L.C., Overvelde, J.T.B., (2024) Robust phototaxis by harnessing implicit communication in modular soft robotic systems. Advanced Functional Materials [web]

(33) Paul, S., Overvelde, J.T.B., Hochhalter, J., Wang, P., (2024) Effects of void geometry on two-dimensional monolithic porous phononic crystals. Applied Physics Letters [web]

(32) Van Laake, L.C.,* Comoretto, A.,* Overvelde, J.T.B., (2024) On the coexistence of pressure regulation and oscillation modes in soft hysteretic valves. Journal of Fluids and Structures. [web]

(31) Zou., S., Picella, S., De Vries, J., Kortman, V., Sakes, A., Overvelde, J.T.B., (2024) A Retrofit Sensing Strategy for Soft Fluidic Robots. Nature Communications. [web] [movie] [Editor highlight]

(30) Wang, K., Overvelde, J.T.B., Engelbrecht, K, Bjork, R., Bahl, C.R.H., (2023) Predication for the volume compensation of 3D-printed large-deformation soft elastomeric elastocaloric regenerators. Applied Physics Letters. [web]

(29) Kropacek, J., Maslen, C., Van Dijk, B., Iniguez-Rabago, A., Overvelde, J.T.B., Zubov, A., Vrba, J., Cigler, P., Stepanek, F., Rehor, I., (2023) Hydrogel Microrobots Self-Assembled into Ordered Structures with Programmable Actuation. Advanced Intelligent Systems. [web]

(28) Wilt, J.K., Overvelde, J.T.B., Coulais, C., (2023) Shape Memory Soft Robots with Yield Stress Fluids. Advanced Intelligent Systems. [web]

(27) Iniguez-Rabago, A.Overvelde, J.T.B., (2022) From Rigid to Amorphous Folding Behavior in Origami-inspired Metamaterials With Bistable Hinges. Extreme Mechanics Letters. [web]

(26) Van Laake, L.C., De Vries, J., Malek Kani, S., Overvelde, J.T.B., (2022) A Fluidic Relaxation Oscillator for Reprogrammable Sequential Actuation in Soft Robots. Matter. [De Ingenieur][New Scientist][BNR Radio][movie][web]

(25) Vis, A., Arfaee, M., Khambati, H., Slaughter, M.S., Gummert, J.F., Overvelde, J.T.B., Kluin, J., (2022) The Ongoing Quest for the First Total Artificial Heart as Destination Therapy. Nature Reviews Cardiology. [Read only pdf][web]

(24) Overvelde, J.T.B., (2021). Popping, Locking Robots. Nature Materials, 20, 1590-1591. [web] Invited News & Views article for the Nature Materials article of Kim et al. [web]

(23) McClintock, H.D.*, Doshi, N.*, Iniguez-Rabago, A.*, Weaver, J.C., Jafferis, N.T., Jayaram, K., Wood, R.J., Overvelde, J.T.B., (2021) A Fabrication Strategy for Reconfigurable Millimeter-Scale Metamaterials. Advanced Functional Materials. [movie] [web]

(22) Oliveri, G., Van Laake, L.C., Carissimo, C., Miette, C., Overvelde, J.T.B., (2021). Continuous Learning of Emergent Behavior in Soft Robotic Matter. Proceedings of the National Academic of Sciences of the United States of America. [Movie] [AMOLF News] [Inverse] [Ars Technica] [De Ingenieur] [BNR Radio] [web]

(21) Röhrich, R., Oliveri, G., Kovaios, S., Tenner, V., Den Boef, A., Overvelde, J. T. B., Koenderink, A. F., (2020). Uncertainty Estimation and Design Optimization of 2D Diffraction-based Overlay Metrology Targets. ACS Photonics. [web]

(20) Oliveri, G., Overvelde, J.T.B., (2020). Inverse Design of Mechanical Metamaterials that Undergo Buckling. Advanced Functional Materials. [web]

(19) Iniguez-Rabago, A., Li, Y., Overvelde, J.T.B., (2019). Exploring Multistability in Prismatic Metamaterials through Local Actuation. Nature Communications. [Movie] [AMOLF News] [Scientific American] [web]

(18) Overvelde, J.T.B., (2019). How to Print Multi-material Devices in One Go. Nature, 575, 289-290. [web] [podcast] Invited News & Views article for the Nature article of Skylar-Scott et al. [web]

(17) Vasios, N., Gross, A. J., Soifer, S., Overvelde, J. T. B.,* Bertoldi, K.,* (2019). Harnessing Viscous Flow to Simplify the Actuation of Fluidic Soft Robots. Soft Robotics. [Harvard News] [web] [pdf]

(16) Mulla, Y., Oliveri, G., Overvelde, J. T. B., Koenderink, G. H., (2018). Crack Initiation in Viscoelastic Materials. PRL. [web][pdf]

(15) Overvelde, J. T. B., Weaver, J., Hoberman, C., Bertoldi, K., (2017). Rational Design of Reconfigurable Prismatic Architected Materials. Nature. [De Volkskrant] [De Volkskrant online] [News & Views in Nature] [Nova Next] [Harvard News] [web] [pdf]

*equal contribution

Book Chapters

(1) Overvelde, J. T. B., Weaver, J., Hoberman, C., Bertoldi, K., Reconfigurable Prismatic Architected Materials. Active Matter. Ed. Tibbits, S. Cambridge, 2017. 270-286. [web]

Filed Patents

(3) Van Laake, L.C., Overvelde, J.T.B., (2022), Fluidic Control of Soft Robots, US provisional patent application.

(2) Bertoldi, K., Overvelde, J. T. B., Kloek, T., (2017) Amplifying the Response of Soft Fluidic Actuators By Harnessing Snap-through Instabilities. US Patent Application, US20170234337A1. [web]

(1) Bartlett, N., Weaver, J. C., Tolley, M. T., Wood, R. J., Overvelde, J. T. B., Bertoldi, K., (2016). 3D Printed Hybrid robot. Worldwide Patent Application, WO2017058334A9. [web]

Conference Proceedings and Other Journals

(3) Arfaee, M., Kluin, J., Overvelde, J.T.B., (2023) Modeling the behavior of elastic pouch motors. IEEE Robosoft conference Proceedings

(2) Overvelde, J. T. B., (2018) Programeerbare Metamaterialen. NTvN, 243-245.

(1) Abramovic, V., Glynn, R., Overvelde, J. T. B., (2018) Edge of Chaos: Towards intelligent architecture through distributed control systems based on Cellular Automata. ACADIA conf. proc.

Documentaries, Exhibitions and Workshops

See also the website of Studio Overvelde.

(8) "Designing with Mathemagic" (Feb 2020), workshop at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences, Amsterdam NL.

(7) “Bouw een wiskundige figuur” (Feb 2019), workshop and exhibit at NEMO, Amsterdam NL.

(6) "RainMaker" (Sep 2018), exhibition at FabLearn and Maker Faire, Eindhoven NL. Winner of the Maker of Merit Award.

(5) "Frankie - The artificial starfish" (Mar 2018 - Oct 2018), exhibition at Rijksmuseum Boerhaave, Leiden NL.

(4) "Edge of Chaos" (Dec 2017 - Jan 2019), exhibition on world tour at (WoeLab in Lomé TG, La Gaîté Lyrique in Paris FR; Cinekid in Amsterdam NL; KIKK Festival in Namur BE).

Selected Media Coverage

(62) Van Laake, L.C., "Zachte Robots Gebaseerd op een Sputterende Ketchupfles." BNR Radio 13 July. [web]

(61) Schenk, Dorine. (2022) "Sputterende Ketchupfles laat zachte robot bewegen en reageren." New Scientists 13 July. [web]

(60) Editors. (2022) "Zachte Robot Beweegt Dankzij Ventiel Ketchupfles.", De Ingenieur 11 July. [web]

(59) Schenk, Dorine. (2022) "Dode spin begint nieuw leven als mechanische robotgrijper." Het Parool 4 August. [web]

(58) Snellink, Marjolein. (2022) "Soft Hardware." NWO Resultaat 24 Januari. [web]

(57) Elisabeth van Nimwegen. (2021) “Van een chipszak tot een Nobelprijs voor softe robotica”, Atlas NTR 3 November. [web]

(56) Jordan Golson. (2021) “Five lines of code could change the way we think about AI.” 12 May. [web]

(55) John timmer. (2021) “Programming a robot to teach itself how to move.” 11 May. [web]

(54) Karlien Meinders. (2021) “Zo simple kan een autonoom en zelflerend robotje zijn.” BNR Radio 11 May. [web]

(53) Jim Heirbaut. (2021) “Eenvoudige robotjes leren onbewust samenwerken.” De Ingenieur 10 May. [web]

Invited Talks PI

(62) There’s no Silicon in these Silicone robots! Dutch Soft Robotics Symposium, Twente (NL)

(61) Harnessing Instabilities to Embody Intelligence in Soft Robots, IEEE Robosoft conference, Singapore (SG)

(60) Fluidic Sensing and Memory in Soft Robots, IEEE Robosoft conference, Singapore (SG)

(59) Embodied Fluidic Circuits to Control Soft Robots (2023), Physics colloquium, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven (NL)

(58) Embodying Intelligence inSoft Fluidic Robots (2023), Interactive Design, Eindhoven University of Technology, Eindhoven (NL)

(57) Continuous learning of emergent behavior in robotic matter (2022), UvA Soft Matter Seminar, Amsterdam (NL)

(56) Zachte Robots (2021) NWO, online (NL)

(55) Embodied fluidic circuits to control soft robots (2021), TU/e Polymer Technology group, online (NL)

(54) Embodied intelligence in soft robots (2021), IBEC – ICMS joint symposium, online (NL)

(53) Embodied fluidic circuits to control soft robots (2021), Princeton University/ PRISM, online (US)

(52) Embodied fluidic circuits to control soft robots (2020), BioRob Cardio Workshop, online (US)

(51) Embodied fluidic circuits to control soft robots (2020), ETH Zurich seminar series on robotics, online (CH)

(50) Embodied fluidic circuits to control soft robots (2020), Lunch meeting D&C, online (NL)

(49) Rational design of reconfigurable and multistable metamaterials (2020), INM virtual mini-symposium, online (GE)

(48) Continuous learning of emergent behavior in robotic matter (2020), Robosoft, online (US)

(47) Adaptive behavior through decentralized learning in soft robotic matter (2020), Living Machines Conference, online (GE)

(46) Soft Robots (2019), Topics in IC, Utrecht (NL)

Conferences and Colloquia

(90) Comoretto, A., Overvelde, J.T.B., (2023) Fluidic memory and sensing for autonomous soft robots, Autonomous Matter Symposium @AMOLF, Amsterdam, NL. Poster. 

(89) Schomaker, M., Picella, S., Kung, A., Van Laake, L.C., Overvelde, J.T.B., (2023)  Decentralized control in soft robots: distributing the brain over the body, Autonomous Matter Symposium @AMOLF, Amsterdam, NL. Poster. 

(88) Ducarme, P., Weber, B., Van Hecke, M.,  Overvelde, J.T.B., (2023) Unique structural functions enabled by a novel mechanical instability, Autonomous Matter Symposium @AMOLF, Amsterdam, NL. Poster. 

(87) Mohanty, S., Overvelde, J.T.B., (2023) Bridging the size-gap in soft robots, Autonomous Matter Symposium @AMOLF, Amsterdam, NL. Poster. 

(86) Van Riet, K., Zou, S., Overvelde, J.T.B., (2023) Soft Circuits Toolkit, Autonomous Matter Symposium @AMOLF, Amsterdam, NL. Poster. 

(85) Overvelde, J.T.B., (2022) Towards Autonomous Soft Robots by Using Smart Fluidic Circuits, Soft Robotics Summer School, Delft, NL. Presentation.

(84) Schomaker, M., Picella, S., Kung, A., Van Laake, L.C., Overvelde, J.T.B., (2022) Decentralized control in soft robots: distributing the brain over the body, Klein Colloquium @ AMOLF, Amsterdam, NL. Presentation. 

(83) Comoretto, A., Overvelde, J.T.B.,  (2022) Fluidic memory and sensing for autonomous soft robots, GRC Gordon Robotics, Ventura, US. Poster.

(82) Schomaker, M., Picella, S., Kung, A., Van Laake, L.C., Overvelde, J.T.B., (2022) Decentralized control in soft robots: distributing the brain over the body, GRC Gordon Robotics, Ventura, US. Poster.

(81) Ducarme, P., Weber, B., Van Hecke, M.,  Overvelde, J.T.B., (2022) Design of a mechanical metamaterial with a negative-displacement transition, ASML Tech Meeting, Veldhoven, NL. Presentation.

(80) Picella, S., Overvelde, J.T.B., (2022) Towards emergent behavior in modular soft robots, ICMS Annual Symposium, Eindhoven, NL. Poster. 

(79) Zou, S., De Vries, J., Picella, S., Kortman, V., Sakes, A., Overvelde, J.T.B., (2022) Can a Soft Actuator Be a Sensor? Klein Colloquium @AMOLF, Amsterdam, NL. Presentation. 

(78) Schomaker, M., Picella, S., Kung, A., Van Laake, L.C., Overvelde, J.T.B., (2023) Decentralized control in soft robots: distributing the brain over the body, APS March Meeting.  Las Vegas, US. Presentation.

(77) Comoretto, A., Overvelde, J.T.B., (2023) Fluidic memory and sensing for autonomous soft robots, APS March Meeting, Las Vegas, US. Presentation.

(76) Ducarme, P., Weber, B., Van Hecke, M.,  Overvelde, J.T.B., (2023) Exotic properties enabled by counter-snapping instabilities, APS March Meeting, Las Vegas, US. Presentation.

(75) Picella, S., Van Riet, K., Overvelde, J.T.B., (2023) Endowing soft robots with counting capabilities, APS March Meeting, Las Vegas, US. Presentation.

(74) Arfaee, M., Kluin, J., Overvelde, J.T.B., (2023) Modeling the behavior of elastic pouch motors, IEEE Robosoft conference, Singapore, SG. Presentation.

(73) Overvelde, J.T.B., (2022) Soft Robotic Matter group, Shaping the Future of Robotics through Material Innovation, Kreuth, DE. Presentation.

(72) Comoretto, A., Overvelde, J.T.B., (2022) Smart fluidic circuits for electronics-free untethered soft robots, APS March Meeting 2022, Chicago, US. Presentation.

(71) Comoretto, A., Overvelde, J.T.B., (2022) Fluidic memory and sensing for autonomous soft robots, ESMC 2022, Galway, IE. Presentation.

(70) Comoretto, A., Overvelde, J.T.B., (2022) Fluidic memory and sensing for autonomous soft robots, Dutch Soft Robotics Symposium 2022, Delft, NL. Presentation.

(69) Schomaker, M., Picella, S., Kung, A., Van Laake, L.C., Overvelde, J.T.B.,  (2022) Decentralized control in soft robots: distributing the brain over the body, APS March Meeting, Chicago, US. Presentation.

(68) Zou, S., De Vries, J., Picella, S., Kortman, V., Sakes, A., Overvelde, J.T.B., (2022) A Universal Fluidic Sensing Strategy for Soft Robots, Dutch Soft Robotics Symposium, Delft, NL. Presentation.

(67) Zou, S.,  Overvelde, J.T.B., (2022) Towards Soft Autonomous Robots with Smart Fluidic Circuits, 2022 Shaping the Future of Robotics through Material Innovation, Kreuth, DE. Poster.

(66) Zou, S., De Vries, J., Picella, S., Kortman, V., Sakes, A., Overvelde, J.T.B., (2022) Can a Soft Actuator Be a Sensor? 31st Dutch Soft Matter Meeting, Delft, NL. Presentation.

(65) Van Laake, L.C., Overvelde, J.T.B. (2022) Reprogrammable Sequential Activation of soft Actuators, IEEE Robosoft conference. Edinburgh, IE. Presentation.

(64) Van Laake, L.C., Overvelde, J.T.B. (2022) Non-linear Fluidic Control Circuits Enable Autonomy in Soft Robotics, International Workshop on Embodied Intelligence. Online Presentation.

(63) Van Laake, L.C., Overvelde, J.T.B. (2022) Experimental Characterization and Numerical Simulation of Soft total Artificial Hearts, ESMC, Ireland. Presentation.

(62) Van Laake, L.C., Overvelde, J.T.B. (2022) Fluidic Control of Soft Robots for Future Medical Applications, HTRIC kick-off event, Groningen, NL. Invited Presentation.

(61) Zou, S., De Vries, J., Picella, S., Kortman, V., Sakes, A., Overvelde, J.T.B., (2022). Can a soft actuator be a sensor. Dutch Soft Matter Meeting. Delft, NL. Presentation.

(60) Zou, S., De Vries, J., Picella, S., Kortman, V., Sakes, A., Overvelde, J.T.B., (2022). Can a soft actuator be a sensor. Klein Colloquium @AMOLF. Amsterdam, NL. Presentation.

(59) Schomaker, M., Picella, S., Kung, A., Van Laake, L.C., Overvelde, J.T.B., (2022). Towards emergent control with minimal resources. Klein Colloquium @AMOLF. Amsterdam, NL. Presentation.

(58) Comoretto, A., Van Laake, L.C., Overvelde, J.T.B., (2022) Smart fluidic circuits for electronics-free untethered soft robots. APS March meeting . Chicago, US. Presentation.

(57) Schomaker, M., Picella, S., Kung, A., Van Laake, L.C., Overvelde, J.T.B., (2022). Harnessing stigmergy for emergent adaptive control, in soft modular systems. APS March meeting . Chicago, US. Presentation.





Van Laake, L. (2023) A Hearbeat for Soft Robots, PhD Dissertation - Eindhoven University of Technology and AMOLF. 

Iniguez-Rabago, A. (2021) Folding behavior of elastic origami metamaterials, PhD Dissertation - Eindhoven University of Technology and AMOLF.

Oliveri, G. (2021). Designing Optimal Behaviour in Mechanical and Robotic Metamaterials. PhD Dissertation - Eindhoven University of Technology and AMOLF.

Overvelde, J.T.B., (2016). Embracing Compliance and Instabilities to Achieve Function in Mechanical Metamaterials and Devices. PhD Dissertation - Harvard University. [pdf]

Overvelde, J.T.B., (2012). The Moving Node Approach in Topology Optimization - An Exploration to a Flow-inspired Meshless Method-based Topology Optimization Method. Master's Thesis - Delft University of Technology. [pdf]